APPIS 2021
The APPIS initiative 2021 focused on partnering with the patient community to address the evolving capability needs of patient organizations across the Asia Pacific region and beyond.
APPIS Highlights

Capability Building with APPIS Academy:
Offered ongoing capability modules, including multi-lingual workshops and online courses provided by APPIS partners, to address critical needs of patient groups.
Workshop: Corporate Relationships and Funding
Online course: Process of Medicines Discovery & Development
Online course: Role of Patients and Patient Organizations in Medicines
Workshop: How to reach patients and carers
Online course: Clinical Trials and Trial Management
August - October
Workshop: Heath Technology Assessment fundamentals
Followed by 5 market-specific workshops in India, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, and Singapore
November - December
Workshop: Genomics and new therapies (October/November)
Online course: Trial Participants' Rights and Obligations
Online course: Interpretation and Dissemination of Results
APPIS Academy Partners for 2021